IdRef for developers

3.6. Iln2rcr micro Web Service

Starting from an ILN number: to obtain its RCR list

NB :

RCR: is the identifier number of an establishment in the Resource Centre Directory ( Répertoire des Centres de Ressources )

For example: The identifier number of a library in the SUDOC network

ABES literature center: 341725201

ILN: The identifier number of an RCR group that shares the same SIGB (Système Intégré de Gestion des Bibliothèques; Integrated System of Library Management): Local catalogue.

For example: The 006 ILN unites 7 RCRs

Service name: <sudoc service="iln2rcr">,8

<sudoc service="iln2rcr">





<name>Institut universitaire de technologie</name>

<address>Rue Pasteur 04000 Digne-les-bains FR</address>





<name>Université de Provence</name>

<address>15 Avenue Reinach 04002 Digne-les-Bains FR</address>





<name>Observatoire astronomique de Marseille-Provence</name>

<address>Saint-Michel 04870 Saint-Michel-l'Observatoire FR</address>







It is possible to request an answer in the JSON format, by contacting the basic URL and specifying in the HTTP request header that JSON is preferred (Accept: text/json). You will thus use the mechanism of contents negotiation, which you can test for example with the Modify Headers Firefox plugin.

Completing the basic URL by the following information &format=text/json

For example :

An example of an answer in JSON


"sudoc": [


"query": {

"iln": 4,

"result": [


"library": {

"rcr": "040702201",

"name": "Institut universitaire de technologie",

"address": "Rue Pasteur 04000 Digne-les-bains FR",

"latitude": 44.091451,

"longitude": 6.227104




"library": {

"rcr": "040702202",

"name": "Université de Provence",

"address": "15 Avenue Reinach 04002 Digne-les-Bains FR",

"latitude": 44.0953376,

"longitude": 6.232774999999999



By adding &format=text/html to the inquiry, Iln2rcr displays the requested RCRs on a map.

For example:,5,6&format=text/html