IdRef (Identifiers and Referentials) is a Web application enabling all users and client applications to search and display the authority files. It is already activated for the Calames, Sudoc and catalogues.
IdRef (Identifiers and Referentials) is a Web application enabling professionnal librarian and client applications to query, consult, create and enrich the authority files. It is already activated for the Calames, Sudoc and catalogues.
IdRef (Identifiers and Referentials) provides a set of Web services for client applications to contribute and operate authority data and make interoperable IT systems.
The IdRef OAI-PMH Repository provides the library community with metadata for IdRef authority records. (Content in french)
IdRef (Identifiers and Referentials) displays authority records converted into RDF, integrating in the growing world of the Web of data. (Content in french) is the free access IdRef triplestore. It allows Sudoc and Idref synchronized queries and offers the retrieval into RDF of bibliographic and authority data with their relations. (Content in french)
Paprika is a professional data curation application dedicated to quality control of links between bibliographic records and authority records of physical person. (Content in french).